Odmevi na pripravo na zakonpreparation for marriage, prirprava na zakon

In preparation for marriage at the Ignatius House of Spirituality, a good number of couples gather each first weekend of the month to prepare for the sacrament of marriage. Occasionally there is a couple preparing when one or the other does not know Slovenian. At that time, the one who knows Slovenian translates to her fiancé or his fiancée. At the end of one such preparation, the fiancé Thomas wrote his reflection in English.

“Overall the seminar was helpful. I feel that it did not change my decision but I was happy that it encouraged us to speak about and consider topics that we never thought to discuss before. This was probably the most helpful in that it encouraged us to discuss deeper topics.

It was interesting and helpful to hear the stories of other couples and their experiences through various stages of life. Having heard not just the good but also the difficulties with which they were confronted provided a new perspective and evoked deeper thoughts about the upcoming life together with my future wife.

I would like to consider learning more about the literature that was presented, i.e. the books about the five languages of love etc. I believe that it will allow us to deepen our love and respect for one another and better understand each others needs. Though we get along very well with one another, we both have the added challenge of cultural differences and different mother tongues so I believe that anything we can do to understand and communicate more clearly would be a great help. I am glad that my fiancée is patient with me and also teaching me Slovene but I still have a long way to go.

The laying out of the sacrament of life was well thought out and I enjoyed that some examples and stories were incorporated. The deeper meaning of love and respect and that this should be worked on throughout the marriage will stay with me for life.

While I could not understand all the prayers, I found it was a good mix of discussions and prayer which allowed us to build a deeper connection with one another. I think the holy mass at the end of the session was a good way to end the seminar.

It is important to have such discussions as we had during the seminar before marriage because it is a serious commitment that should not be taken lightly. Without taking part in such a seminar, it is possible that many couples may enter marriage without having discussed the deeper and more difficult subjects which could result in failed marriages.” (Thomas with his fiancée Maja)

Ljubljana, Ignacijev dom duhovnosti, 2021